This course provides an intermediate review of radiation safety and compliance topics directed at beginners and those with more experience. Using unique learning techniques to enhance students' understanding of these subjects, this course is ideal for anyone who will develop, manage or implement a radiation safety program. The main topics include;

Highlights of the program: -

The main highlights of the International Skill certificate in Radiation Safety Management program includes

1. 15 days Virtual/classroom training covering major radiation safety-related topics

2. Case studies- Summative assessments

3. Panel Interview by industry experts

Unit 1 - Radiation safety an Overview

The main topics covered in this program include;

  • Introduction to Ionizing Radiation
  • Units or radiation dose and activity
  • Background Radiation
  • Radiation Protection Principles
  • Biological effects of Radiation
  • Radiation detection instrumentation
  • Radiation Safety Officer Job
  • Responsibility
  • Leak Test Requirement
  • Tested and approved material
  • Security of Radioactive Material
  • Radiation Survey's
  • Dose limits
  • Emergencies
  • Disposals of Radioactive Materials
  • Transportation of radioactive materials


Unit 2- Summative assessments

Summative assessment is the practice of evaluating what a student has learned at the end of a given period (assessment of learning). As content is taught within a course, educators should evaluate how well the information is absorbed and retained—this is where summative assessment becomes useful. In addition, by assessing students at the end of the entire program curriculum, the summative assessment provides faculty insight into how well their students have mastered the delivered content.  Summative assessment results are recorded as grades that are then factored into a student's permanent academic record.

As part of the summative assessment, learners must carry out workplace research on any Radioactive material handling facility/organization using radiation of any kind and submit shreds of evidence against each. The total research to be completed in three segments 

  • Observation
  • consultation
  • Analysis  

Observation:-  The learner should identify and visit any live Radioactive material handling facility/Organization using radiation of any kind and observe best practices followed in Radiation handling. (Detailed instruction and templates to be supplied by the Authorized Training providers) 

consultation:- The leaner should carry out at least a one-hour interview with one Radiation professional in the selected organization to understand the overall functioning of the Radion related operation of the chosen organization. (Detailed instruction and templates to be supplied by the Authorized Training providers) 

Analysis:-On completion of Observation and consultation, the learner should prepare an analysis report stating how an organization can improve its radiation management. ( Detailed instruction and templates to be supplied by the Authorized Training providers)  

. Individuals should identify and obtain permission from an organization to carry out their research.

Target Group:-

NDT operators, Safety officers, drilling and other oil & gas professionals, radioactive material handlers, X-ray technicians, radiologists, etc.

Eligibility: Science graduates/registered Safety officer /Manager/professionals of IBOEHS

Duration: 180 Hrs.  Including 90 Hrs. internship


Unit 1 -100 marks MCQ based written examination

Unit 2- 100 marks summative assessment

Unit 3- 100 Marks Panel Interview

Pass percentage: learners should score a minimum of 80% in each unit.

udents receive on successful completion?

1. International Skill certificate in Radiation Safety Management

2. Valet Card


International Skill Certificate in Environmental Management(level-4) 

The International Skill Certificate in Environmental Management program enables the participant to provide recommendations on environmental protection, including preventing pollution to air, Water, and Soil from all possible artificial contamination. Upon successful completion of the program, participants will be capable of advising the organization regarding Collection, Storage, Transportation, and Disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous waste materials and protection of the environment through sustainable development.

International Skill Certificate in Environmental Management comprises three units as follows. 


Unit A: Fundamentals of Environmental management 

Unit B: Summative Assessment 

Unit C:- Panel Interview 

Highlights of the program: -

The main highlights of the International Skill certificate in Environmental Management program includes

1. 10 days Virtual/classroom training covering major Environmental Management related topics

2. Summative assessment

3. Panel Interview 

The topic includes;

  •  Fundamentals of Environment management
  •  Introduction to ISO 14001:2015
  •  Common Environmental Hazards
  •  Environmental Impact Assessment
  •  Environmental Control Measures
  •  Toxic Awareness
  •  Handling Hazardous Materials, including waste handling

Summative assessment

Summative assessment is the practice of evaluating what a student has learned at the end of a given period (assessment of learning). As content is taught within a course, educators should evaluate how well the information is absorbed and retained—this is where summative assessment becomes useful. In addition, by assessing students at the end of the entire program curriculum, the summative assessment provides faculty insight into how well their students have mastered the delivered content.

As part of the summative assessment, learners must carry out workplace research on any organization and submit shreds of evidence against each. The total research to be completed in three segments 

  1. Observation
  2. consultation
  3. Analysis


The learner should identify and visit any organization and observe best practices followed in terms of environmental management. (Detailed instruction and templates to be supplied by the Authorized Training providers) 


The leaner should carry out at least a one-hour interview with one Environment professional in the selected organization to understand the overall functioning of the logistics operation of the chosen organization. (Detailed instruction and templates to be supplied by the Authorized Training providers) 


On completion of Observation and consultation, the learner should prepare an analysis report stating how an organization can improve its environmental management.

( Detailed instruction and templates to be supplied by the Authorized Training providers)  


Target Group: -

Safety officers, Safety managers, QAQC professionals, Waste handlers, Environmentalists, Environment officers, etc.


Eligibility: There is no prerequisite for this program. However, participants should have a reasonable amount of hold on the English Language. This program will be an ideal choice for countries working on skill development/nationalization and creating job opportunities.

Duration: Total duration of this program is 170 Hrs.

Unit 1- 80 hrs. guided learning

Unit II - 90 hrs. Summative assessment


Unit I- 100 marks MCQ based written examination

Unit II- 100 marks Summative assessment

Unit III- 100 marks Panel Interview

Pass percentage: learners should score a minimum of 80% in each unit

What will students receive on successful completion?

On Successful completion of the program, students will receive the following

  • International Skill certificate in Environmental Management
  • Valet Card


International Skill Diploma in Construction Safety Management is designed to provide the required underpinning knowledge and practical skills required to work in the construction industry across the globe.

This qualification is designed to deliver a high occupational capability and sound foundation to work in the construction industry. This program will be ideal to meet learners who work or want to work in the construction industry. This program will encourage learners to reach a level of knowledge & skills that will facilitate employment in the construction industry. International Skill Diploma in Construction Safety Management qualification comprises of four units as follows. 

Unit A: Management of Health and Safety

Unit B: Construction hazards and controls

Unit C: Summative assessments 

Unit D:- Panel Interview


Highlights of the program: - 


The main highlights of the International Skill Diploma in Construction Safety management include 

1. 350 hrs Virtual/classroom training covering major construction-related topics 

2. On site project

3. Panel Interview by industry HSE experts  

The main topic includes the following: -

Unit A

· Fundamentals of Health and Safety

· Leadership and management commitment

· Health and Safety Policy- An overview

· Planning for health and Safety

· Personal protective equipment

· The role of health and safety culture in accident prevention

· Contractor management and accident prevention 

· Health and safety performance monitoring

· Regulatory Agencies for Occupational Health and Safety

Unit B

· Fire Safety

· Electrical Safety

· Hand and Power tools

· Material Handling

· Compressed Gas cylinders

· Vehicular Safety

· Office Safety

· Handling of Hazardous materials

· Confined space and hot work permits

· Excavation & Trenching

· Demolition and explosives

· Elevated Work Platforms

· Occupation Health

Unit c - Summative assessments 

Summative assessment is the practice of evaluating what a student has learned at the end of a given period (assessment of learning). As content is taught within a course, educators should evaluate how well the information is absorbed and retained—this is where summative assessment becomes useful. In addition, by assessing students at the end of the entire program curriculum, the summative assessment provides faculty insight into how well their students have mastered the delivered content.  Summative assessment results are recorded as grades that are then factored into a student's permanent academic record.

As part of the summative assessment, learners must carry out workplace research on any Construction site and submit shreds of evidence against each. The total research to be completed in three segments 

  • Observation
  • consultation
  • Analysis  

Observation:-  The learner should identify and visit any construction site and observe best practices followed in construction (Detailed instruction and templates to be supplied by the Authorized Training providers) 

consultation:- The leaner should carry out at least a one-hour interview with one Senior construction professional in the selected organization to understand the overall functioning of the Construction operation of the chosen organization. (Detailed instruction and templates to be supplied by the Authorized Training providers) 

Analysis:-On completion of Observation and consultation, the learner should prepare an analysis report stating how an organization can improve its Construction Safety management. ( Detailed instruction and templates to be supplied by the Authorized Training providers)  

. Individuals should identify and obtain permission from an organization to carry out their research.


Target Group:-

Construction Managers, Engineers, Supervisors, Safety Officers, and people looking for construction safety officer, supervisor, or manager positions

Eligibility: -There is no prerequisite for this program. However, participants should have a reasonable amount of hold on the English Language. This program will be an ideal choice for countries working on skill development/nationalization and creating job opportunities.

Duration: The total duration of this qualification is 350Hrs

Unit A: 54hrs guided learning Private study: 46Hrs

Unit B: 77hrs, guided learning Private study: 72Hrs

Unit C: 100 hrs summative assessments 

Unit D:- 01 hr. Panel interview



Learners should qualify for each unit separately. Unit A & B will have 100 MCQ each, and learners should score a minimum of 80% in each unit. There is no grading system. The result will be either pass or fail. The learner should complete project work of 100 marks and a panel interview of 100 Marks to qualify for the final certificate. The learner should score a minimum of 80% in project work. 


Pass percentage: learners should score a minimum of 80% in each unit


What will students receive on successful completion? 

On successful completion of the IBOSD International Skill Diploma in Construction Safety Management, learners will receive the following

1. Level 6 -International Skill Development Diploma in Construction Safety Management 

2. Valet card

International Skill Certificate in Fire and Disaster Management is one of the unique programs designed to prepare participants to deal with minor to significant fire and disaster situations at the workplace. The program will benefit individuals and organizations equally by acquiring skills required to deal with fire and other emergencies. This program will also help the participants to anticipate, identify analyses, and control possible hazardous environments effectively.

Highlights of the program: -

The main highlights of the International Skill certificate in Fire and Disaster Management program includes

1. 15 days Virtual/classroom training covering major Fire and Disaster Management related topics

2. Summative assessment

3. Panel Interview by industry experts and

Unit 1

The topic includes;

  • Fire Behavior
  • Special Hazards
  • Mechanical and Chemical Explosions
  • Building Construction
  • Fire Extinguishment
  • Fire Detection and Alarms
  • Building Evacuation
  • Protecting Fire Scene Evidence
  • Fire Program Management
  • Hot-Work-Permit Programs

Unit II

Unit 2- Summative assessments

Summative assessment is the practice of evaluating what a student has learned at the end of a given period (assessment of learning). As content is taught within a course, educators should evaluate how well the information is absorbed and retained—this is where summative assessment becomes useful. In addition, by assessing students at the end of the entire program curriculum, the summative assessment provides faculty insight into how well their students have mastered the delivered content.  Summative assessment results are recorded as grades that are then factored into a student's permanent academic record.

As part of the summative assessment, learners must carry out workplace research on any facility/organization and submit shreds of evidence against each. The total research to be completed in three segments 

  • Observation
  • consultation
  • Analysis  

Observation:-  The learner should identify and visit any Organization and observe best practices followed in terms of fire prevention . (Detailed instruction and templates to be supplied by the Authorized Training providers) 

consultation:- The leaner should carry out at least a one-hour interview with one Senior professional /Safety professional in the selected organization to understand the overall fire prevention arrangements of the chosen organization. (Detailed instruction and templates to be supplied by the Authorized Training providers) 

Analysis:-On completion of Observation and consultation, the learner should prepare an analysis report stating how an organization can improve its fire and disastrous management arrangments  ( Detailed instruction and templates to be supplied by the Authorized Training providers)  Individuals should identify and obtain permission from an organization to carry out their research

Target Group:-

Safety officers, security officers, administrative staff, etc.

Eligibility: There is no prerequisite. However, having a good hold on the English language would be an added advantage

.Duration: 180 Hrs. Including 90 Hrs. internship


Unit 1 -100 marks MCQ based written examination

Unit II - 100 marks summative assessment

Unit III- 100 marks Panel Interview

Pass percentage: learners should score a minimum of 80% in each unit

What will students receive on successful completion?

  • International Skill certificate in Fire and Disaster Management

Valet Card

International Skill Diploma in Infection Control is designed to provide the required underpinning knowledge and practical skills required to work in any industry across the globe. This qualification is designed to deliver a high occupational capability and sound foundation for the Health industry. This program will be ideal to meet learners who work or wants to work as Infection Control Manager. This program will encourage learners to reach a level of knowledge & skills that will facilitate employment in the Health Industry.

International Skill  Diploma in Infection Control qualification comprises of three units as follows. 

Unit 1: Fundamentals of Infection Control

Unit 2: Summative assessments 

Unit 3:- Panel Interview Highlights of the program: -  The main highlights of Professional Diploma in Infection Control includes

1. 120 hrs Virtual/classroom training covering major Health topics

2. 88 hours summative assessment

3. 02 hrs Panel Interview by industry Infection Control Expert

The main topic includes the following: -

Infection Control   

Need for Healthcare Infections Control  

Populations at Risk  

Infections Associated with Invasive Procedures  

Common Infections  

Routes of Transmission  

Elements of an Infection Control Program  

Infection Control Techniques  

Collection of Sputum Specimen

Employee Exposure Assessment Form  

Sterilization and Disinfection of Equipment  

Storage and Handling of Equipment  

Environmental Management  

Waste Treatment  

Disposal of Medical Waste  

Unit 2 - Summative assessments  Summative assessment is the practice of evaluating what a student has learned at the end of a given period (assessment of learning). As content is taught within a course, educators should evaluate how well the information is absorbed and retained—this is where summative assessment becomes useful. In addition, by assessing students at the end of the entire program curriculum, the summative assessment provides faculty insight into how well their students have mastered the delivered content.

As part of the summative assessment, learners must carry out workplace research on any facility and submit shreds of evidence against each.

The total research to be completed in three segments 

· Observation

· consultation

· Analysis  

Observation:-  The learner should identify and visit any facility and observe the best Infection Control Manager practices followed by the organization. (Detailed instruction and templates to be supplied by the Authorized Training providers) 

consultation:- The leaner should carry out at least a one-hour interview with one  Patient Handling professional in the selected organization to understand the overall functioning of the Infection Control Operations of the chosen organization. (Detailed instruction and templates to be supplied by the Authorized Training providers) 

Analysis:-On completion of Observation and consultation, the learner should prepare an analysis report stating how an organization can improve its Infection Control ( Detailed instruction and templates to be supplied by the Authorized Training providers)   Individuals should identify and obtain permission from an organization to carry out their research. 

Target Group:- Infection Control Experts, Stroke Nurses, Care Givers, and people looking for Health Industry positions

Eligibility: -There is no prerequisite for this program. However, participants should have a reasonable amount of hold on the English Language. This program will be an ideal choice for countries working on skill development/nationalization and creating job opportunities. Duration: 

The total duration of this qualification is 210 Hrs

Unit 1: 120 hrs (80 hrs  guided learning &  40 hrs private)

Unit 2:  88 hrs -Summative assessment

Unit 3:- 02 hr. Panel interview  

Examination:  Learners should qualify for each unit separately. Unit 1 will have 100 MCQs, and learners should score a minimum of 80% in each unit. There is no grading system. The result will be either pass or fail. The learner should complete project work of 100 marks and a panel interview of 100 marks to qualify for the final certificate. The learner should score a minimum of 80% in project work.  Pass percentage: learners should score a minimum of 80% in each unit.

What will students receive on successful completion?  After completing the IBOSD International Skill Diploma in Infection Control Manager, learners will receive the following.

1. Level 5 International Skill Diploma in Infection Control Manager

2. Valet card

3. Free professional Membership -(PMIBOSD) for one year 

International Skill certificate in Road Safety Management ( Level 2)   

IBOSD -International Skill certificate in Road Safety Management is a unique health and safety program intended to protect workers and the common public from Road & vehicle-related hazards and risks.

The main objective of IBOSD- International Skill Certificate in Road Safety Management Program is to share required underpinning knowledge and practical skills with people responsible for protecting others from road & vehicle-related hazards at the workplace. This course intends to assist interested people in understanding and applying Road Safety as it applies to their workplace. On completion of the program, the learner will be able to conduct a workplace Road Safety assessment and be able to develop a road safety program, which will save employees and the common public equally.  

Highlights of the program: - 

 Upon completing the programs, participants will anticipate and identify workplace road Safety issues and prevent or minimize the adverse effects of poor road safety measures on people. In addition, participants will demonstrate a high level of underpinning knowledge and practical skills on road saefty control measures.  

Target Group: - This program is ideal for safety professionals, drivers, Plant managers, Transport operators, logistic movers,  airport employees,  and work supervisors/managers of all industries.  

Eligibility: There is no prerequisite. However, having a good hold on the English language would be an added advantage.

Duration: Total Duration: 30 Hrs Examination:

Learners should appear for an MCQ-based theory examination of 100 marks, and learners should score a minimum of 80%.

There is no grading system. The result will be either pass or fail.  Pass percentage: learners should score a minimum of 80%.

What will students receive on successful completion? 

On successful completion of IBOSD International Skill Certificate in Road Safety  Management, learners will receive the following

IBOSD-  International Skill Certificate in Road Safety Management  

The main highlights of the International Skill certificate in Road Safety program includes 

1. 24 Hrs Virtual/classroom training covering significant in Road Safety Management  related topics 

2. 06 Hrs - Case studies- Road Safety assessment 

The topic includes;

Hazards and risks associated with transport operation  Road Safety assessment

Control measure to ensure safe vehicle operation 

Driver/Operator's fitness 

major road signs 

Traffic barriers for long-duration works 

Trafic management system & defensive driving 

Night driving precations

vehicle inspections 

Safety zone in the Traffic management plan 

Legal requirements   

What will students receive on successful completion? 

IBOSD- International Skill Certificate in Road Safety Management  ( Level 2 )

Free Membership -(MIBOSD) for one year 

International Skill Diploma in HSE Training (Level 6)


This program will enable the participants to gain skills required to train adults on HSE and related topics. International Skill Diploma in HSE training Program will give a strong foundation in HSE training delivery. 

This qualification comprises three units as follows. 

Unit 1: Fundamentals of Teaching and training - 

Unit 2: Fundamentals of Health Safety & Environment 

Unit 3: Summative assessments, Mock training, and panel Interview 

How this qualification will be evaluated

Unit 1  There is no examination for unit 1. However, learners understanding of this unit will be evaluated  through a summative assessment  which will carry 150 marks in total  as  follows 

Developing Training management system - Total marks 50 and  pass marks - 80%

Developing training - Total Marks 50    and  Pass marks 80% 

Mock training - Total Marks 25 marks - and pass mark 80% 

Panel Interview - Total 25 marks  and pass  Pass mark 80% 

Unit 2 will be evaluated through an MCQ based written examination for 100 marks - learner should score a minimum of 80% to pass this unit 

Highlights of the program: - 

The main highlights of the Skill Diploma in HSE Training (Level 6) include 

1. 160 hrs Virtual/classroom training (80 hours guided learning and 80 hours private study)

2. 70 hrs summative assessment

3. 20 minutes mock training

The Diploma holders will be eligible to train adults on the following topics 

LOTO- energy Isolation 

Fall protection 

Working at height

Permit to work 

Job Safety Analysis 

Safe lifting  & Rigging 


Manual handling 


H2S Awareness

First Aid  CPR & AED

Confined space 

Fire warden/ Fire marshal 

Environmental awareness 

The main topics include:- 

Unit 1         Fundamentals  of Teaching and Training

· Significance of Skill development                                                                        

· Developing a Training Program                                                                   

· Training Needs Analysis                                                                                

· Steps for Planning Training                                                                           

· Course Design                                                                                                 

· Presentation and Facilitation                                                                      

· Managing Common Difficulties                                                                 

· Planning for Training Evaluation                                                               

· Impact of Values and Attitudes on Training                                          


Unit 2      Fundamentals of Health Safety and Environment

· Fundamentals of Health and Safety                                                       

· Health and Safety Policy- An overview                                                     

· Planning for Health and Safety                                                              

· Health & Safety Performance Monitoring                                                      

· Leadership and management commitment                                                 

· Fire Safety                                                                                                                           

· Electrical Safety                                                                                                                           

· Hand and Portable Power Tools                                                                      

· Material Handling                                                                                                        

· Compressed Gas Cylinders                                                                            

· Vehicular Safety                                                                                             

· Handling Hazardous Materials                                                                        

· Confined spaces and hot work permit                                                             

· Excavations and Trenching                                                                              

· Demolition and Explosives                                                                             

· Elevated Work platforms                                                                                

· Industrial Hygiene                                                                                         

· Fundamentals of Environment management

First Aid  CPR & AED


Unit 3 - summative assessment

Summative assessments evaluate student learning, skill acquisition, and academic achievement after a defined instructional period—typically at the end of the course.

Summative assessments are designed to determine whether students have learned what they were expected to know. To determine whether and to what degree students have learned the material they have been taught.

Summative assessments evaluate the effectiveness of training programs, measure progress toward improvement goals, or make decisions on training aspects of an organization. 

Summative assessment results are recorded as grades that are then factored into a student's permanent academic record.

learners should

A) Develop a training management system for HSE training to demonstrate the learner's understanding of the training systems and programs of the selected organization. Individuals should identify and obtain permission from an organization to carry out their research. (Template attached)- 

B) Design, develop, prepare, and deliver a forty-five-minute training session on any topic identified during training need identification or any HSE topic. Leaner should prepare course material, PPT, Questions and answer key for evaluation and collect participant’s feedback. Besides, the learner should prepare a training report on training conducted by self.  

The presenter should focus on the following aspects;

Introducing the facilitator

Dealing with anxiety

Structure Training Presentation

Keeping Your Audience’s Attention


The completed Summative assessment along with an affidavit to be submitted to:- With 14 days of completion of written examination.  

 The learner must attend a panel interview with a selected board during the panel interview.

Learners should also deliver a twenty minutes training on any selected subject to an appointed board to assess the training skills of the individual. 

Eligibility: There is no pre-requisite. However, having a minimum of two years in HSE will be an added advantage. 

Ideal for:- This program will be ideal for HSE Trainers and those who desire to become HSE trainers,

Mode of Study: Virtual/ Classroom 

Duration:- 230 hours.


What students will receive 

a) International Skill Diploma in HSE Training - Level 6 

b) Valet card

c) Free Expert membership (EXIBOSD) for two years 


Pass percentage: learners should score a minimum of 80% in each unit



IBOSD International Skill diploma in HSE training are eligible to apply for Expert Membership of IBOSD ( EM-IBOSD) which can lead to Fellow Membership of (FM-IBOSD) IBOSD after completing four years of Expert membership

Course Overview This 100-hour diploma course provides an in-depth exploration of facility management principles, practices, and technologies. It combines theoretical knowledge with practical skills, preparing participants to effectively manage and optimize facilities in various industries. Course Objectives Understand the principles and practices of facility management. Develop skills in managing building systems, maintenance, and operations. Gain proficiency in utilizing technology for facility management. Learn to ensure compliance with regulations and sustainability practices.

Welcome to the International Skill Diploma in Facility Management (IBOSD-USA), a premier educational program designed to equip professionals with the expertise needed to excel in the dynamic field of facility management. This comprehensive course spans 100 hours and provides an in-depth exploration of key concepts, practical skills, and industry best practices essential for effective facility management. Facility management is a critical discipline that ensures the seamless operation and maintenance of buildings, infrastructure, and services. As organizations increasingly recognize the value of well-managed facilities in achieving operational efficiency and enhancing organizational performance, the demand for skilled facility managers continues to grow.   Table of content Module 1: Introduction to Facility Management Module 2: Facility Management Service Delivery Module 3: Facility Management Core Competencies Module 4: Becoming a Facilities Manager Module 5: Opportunities in Facility Management

International Skill certificate in Heath Safety & Environment ( Level 2) 

International Skill Certificate in Health Safety and Environment (HSE)  is designed to provide the required underpinning knowledge and practical skills required to work in the industry across the globe.

This qualification is designed to deliver a high occupational capability and sound foundation to work in the industry. This program will be ideal to meet learners who work or want to work in any industry. This program will encourage learners to reach a level of knowledge & skills that will facilitate employment in any industry International Skill certificate in HSE qualification comprises only one unit.

Unit A: Fundematals of HSE 

 Highlights of the program: - 

 The main highlights of the International Skill Certificate  in Health Safety and Environment  include 

1. 08 hrs Virtual/classroom training covering major Health Safety and Environmental -related topics 

Fundamental of Health & Safety   

Health, Safety & Environment – Policy & Roles and Responsibilities                            

Hazard Identification and Risk Control     

Construction Safety                                              

Chemical Safety     

Biological hazards and Controls     

Mental Health and Well Being

Target Group:-

Office Managers, Engineers, Supervisors,&  Jobseekers 

Eligibility: -There is no prerequisite for this program. However, participants should have a reasonable amount of hold on the English Language. This program will be an ideal choice for countries working on skill development/nationalization and creating job opportunities.

Duration: The total duration of this qualification is 08 Hrs


Learners should qualify for a 100 mark MCQ each, and learners should score a minimum of 80%.t. There is no grading system. The result will be either pass or fail. 

Pass percentage: learners should score a minimum of 80% 

 What will students receive on successful completion? 

On successful completion of the IBOSD International Skill Certificate  in HSE learners will receive the following

1. Level 2 -International Skill certificate in  Health Safety and Environment ( HSE) 

2. Free IBOSD member for one year